When talking about the different auras that define our personality, people often forget about the blue-green aura. It is not very well know, and therefore, people rarely include it in the conversation about auras. This aura is one of the most unique and also classified as turquoise.
In fact, turquoise is a combination of blue and green auras together. Therefore, if we give it a single name, it merely excludes all the different attributes that come separately with the blue and green auras. A single title can bring a lot of misunderstanding with it. To make things clearer, we should just use blue-green.
Why is the blue-green aura so unique?
This is a very special combination; the caring quality of the blue and healing quality of the green are both combined in the blue-green aura. So what does this unique aura say about people that have it? Well, those with a blue-green aura are considered natural healers. They are experiencing a lot of amazing things when this aura is activated, like significant changes and development that positively affect their inner selves and well-being.
If you add the caring blue to that, you get a person that is compassionate, thoughtful, and appreciative of all your actions. Perhaps you should not expect to be guided by a person with a blue-green aura, but nobody can give you mental support as they can.
This aura represents a healer that has a number of abilities and will support you in your personal growth. Besides that, a healer person will also heal you emotionally if needed.

Blue-Green aura comes with sensitivity
In essence, people that carry the blue-green aura have a sensitive personality. They are also more focused on self-criticism. Although this might be an incredible value for growth, it can also cause serious self-harm. Such intense critique from inside can often lead to low self-esteem.
Being socially conscious is also a trait that comes with the blue aura, and it makes them sensitive to criticism from the outside. When combined with disappointment, inner criticism can make them very vulnerable and feel insecure.
These emotional beings can easily withdraw into a defensive shell and become too protective when met with criticism from the outside. Blue-greens are, in fact, wonderful healers for other people, but they struggle when it comes to healing and helping themselves. It seems like they are bad patients for themselves.
Love and Friendship of Blue-Greens
The blue-greens can be great allies if you build a strong friendship with them. They will constantly provide you support, and with the combined effect of the caring blue and healing green aura, they are especially great listeners and very empathetic.
Yet their sensitivity causes them to not be very open when it comes to their support. If you want someone that will carefully listen to you, you need to go to them and allow them to help you. They will respect your time and be happy to offer their advice; it is definitely something that you should value.
Don’t forget that blue-greens tend to be criticizing, and will become defensive if you critique or disregard them. Also, their low self-esteem can sometimes be the reason behind their jealousy over things that are not important.
In general, blue-green is a precious and unique aura that can make awesome friends. And not any kind, but those friends that will stay by your side during the good times, and most importantly during the bad times too. You just need to be very cautious with the blue-greens. Value their limits, appreciate their advice, respect them as a person, and admire them without any direct critique.
Final word
If you accept these, you will have an incredible friend that you will always admire. In fact, it would be much better if blue-greens seek closeness from individuals with an identical type of aura. In this way, their relationship will be more pleasant. Often, people that are able to be independent, but decide not to, would be ideally suited for a blue-greens compatible relationship.
People with this special aura can easily become the origin of positivity in your life. These great people will give you a helping hand through your mental and spiritual progress, but you need to stop trying to nudge their vulnerable points and just focus on creating a bond with them.