You can catch Earth’s shadow in both the evening and morning sky; a blue-gray shadow with a direction that is opposite the sun. It will be darker than the twilight sky.
The pink belt above the darkness is known as the Belt of Venus.
In the east, it occurs after sunset, and in the west, before sunrise.
The phase of the moon changes over the month, and often you won’t see the moon in the night sky. However, the Earth’s shadow is more reliable. You can catch it every clear evening rising in the eastern sky at the same pace as the sun goes down below the western horizon.

Earth’s shadow is large. You may have to turn your head around to see it all. And the shadow is rounded, just like the curved shadow of a round object. The shadow of the Earth extends to space, and it can almost touch the moon. A lunar eclipse occurs every time that happens.

To sum up: Look out for Earth’s shadow next time you have a clear sky. In the east that would be after sunset or before sunrise in the west. I sometimes see it as the sun sets, while I am out on my town’s streets. The Venus Belt is above the shadow and it has a pink coloration.