The meaning of deja vu is something you’ve certainly heard of before. Many times, we meet people in our lives who use this phrase, but have you ever thought about what it means? Or do you have any clue about the meaning of the term? Is it something you’re being signaled by the angels, or is it just something you think about? It is a very commonly used word by many people in the modern-day. If you are not familiar with what it is and what it means, then it’s time to find out…
What Is Déjà vu?
What does Deja vu mean, then? Basically, the meaning of Deja vu can be described as the feeling you get from doing something you’ve previously done in the past. For instance, if you go hiking to see the sunset, you’ll feel a gush of emotions that you will keep as a memory with you. So, you are going to experience the same feeling the next time you go hiking again, even in a different location. The feeling you get then is called deja vu.
Another rather well-known phrase associated with the term “Déjà vu” is “Been there, done that.” You must have heard this phrase a lot, if not Déjà vu. In English the definition of deja vu means “been there, done that.” It is really like saying… everything you are currently experiencing, you’ve experienced before too.
Deja vu Meaning
Originating from the French language, the Deja vu meaning is basically “Already seen”. It is quite accurate since in your past you have had a similar experience. Therefore, saying déjà vu just reinforces the fact you already had a similar feeling and experience.
Oftentimes, you may not even be conscious of the circumstance you are in. Have you ever been in a situation when you feel like you’re experiencing something for the first time but you know that you’ve done it before, in your mind? That is the moment you are experiencing déjà vu.
It can happen not only to adolescents but also to adults and elderly people. You don’t have a set time to experience a déjà vu moment because it doesn’t have a specific time. It depends entirely on your past experiences, and what you are doing with your life at the moment.
Not only memory, but even thought, sound, taste, smell, touch, or even your sixth sense can trigger Deja vu! For instance, hearing a familiar voice can be the reason for you to experience a deja vu moment!
What is the Purpose of Déjà vu?
Déjà vu can signify countless things, acting as a connection between your present life and your past. We are going to mention some of them here:
- Repeating an event from your previous life can act as a trigger.
- Whatever you are doing at the moment, you did it before.
- You are with the right people, in the right place and the right moment.
- Your angels and spirit guides are taking care of you. Therefore you don’t need to feel alone.
It is your responsibility to understand the meaning of deja vu. However, you can still get the angels ‘ support, guidance, and encouragement to fully understand its meaning. All you need to do to get support from the angels is to make a prayer with a great heart and clear intent.
Experiencing déjà vu can be an opportunity for you to learn, so you should not ignore it. Déjà vu is an effective and powerful gateway for you to establish a connection with your higher self.
As people learn from history, you learn from your past experience. Therefore, the angels and spirit guides want you to learn from your past journey, which is why you are feeling the déjà vu phenomenon. They have chosen this way for you and with their support, guidance, and encouragement, you are to follow it in the right direction.
What If You Have Never Experienced Déjà vu?
You may not have experienced a moment of déjà vu in your life yet. Don’t see that as a bad thing. However, that is just the path the angels have your destiny planned out. It definitely doesn’t mean you didn’t have previous lives before. It is simply because the angels have picked some particular type of marker in your life journey here on Earth.
If you want to prosper in living a life according to the Divine’s desires, you need to put your total trust and faith in the angels. Even if you haven’t experienced any moment of déjà vu, it’s very important to know the deja vu meaning. So whenever other people are referring to it, you know what it means.
If not déjà vu, you have definitely encountered a moment when your mind is thrilled and goes something like “A-ha”. That is another type of déjà vu as well, if not exactly that.
If you are on the right spiritual track, you don’t need the assistance of déjà vu moments because you are doing well even without them. Understanding that the angels are there to support you anytime you need them is the most important thing you can do. The path to joy is by prayers to the angels.