The meaning of Spiritual Enlightenment
Nowadays, there are countless spiritual experts and methods for meditation that are shown in the media. There are a lot of things to talk about when it comes to spirituality, so it is important to first know what spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening mean. Enlightenment is about finding your true, divine self. Even from our birth, there is a variety of labels that are forced onto us, and we consider them to be real. What we need to realize is that such labels are temporary and not permanent. Therefore, they cannot represent our true selves. When everything changes, we are the only thing that stays real. Spiritual enlightenment is the exploration of our real selves.
Spiritual enlightenment happens when we wake up to the true version of us – who we really are. We might become wrongly connected with something that changes, but that cannot be the absolute truth of what we are. If we open our eyes to who we really are, to the divine being from which we come and return, we will understand that suffering is unnecessary and that we should live in the moment. We go through mental traumas because we misidentify ourselves with our selfish, mental self. Our true self is everlasting, non-dual, and will never change. We define the understanding of these truths as a spiritual awakening.
Trust the process
One generally accepted belief is that we all have the ability and spark to be spiritually awakened. The level of realization varies. It would be wrong to associate every small realization with spiritual awakening. Then how can we define the significance of enlightenment? It is an experience that you need to live, and not a concept that can be explained. In the same vein, isn’t it more nutritious to eat a healthy diet than just reading about it? The whole journey differs – it is different for each person. What we need to realize is that the spiritual enlightenment process is unique for every person, and it must be felt rather than described.
What specifically contributes to the complete understanding of spiritual enlightenment is complex to answer. If you happen to see a delicate rose flourishing in your garden, you will get intrigued by its beauty. Have you ever thought how did that happen? What contributed to its existence? Was it when the seed bloomed into a bush, and the bush started to grow, or did it start because of the water? It is hard to connect the stunning beauty of the rose to its origin. If you try to follow it back to its beginning, you will discover that there were a lot of factors that eventually contributed so the rose can blossom.
Every element of this process has a close connection to each other, and therefore it is essential for the overall growth. Similarly, the whole experience of spiritual enlightenment is like a blossoming of our consciousness. The eternal mystery is impossible to comprehend and is the result of many different outcomes. No one can predict when the spiritual enlightenment plant will start growing.

The beginning of Spiritual Enlightenment
When a person is completely conscious of his or her true existence, spiritual awakening is ready to happen. There are different divine powers taking action when a soul is seeking spiritual enlightenment. The awakening unlocks feelings that you have never had before. You understand that you are in complete alignment with the universe, above your body. There are certain things that come along with spiritual awareness; your ego is stripped off, and you develop as an evolved person. The further you get in tune within yourself, the greater the silence is. The endless chaos of thoughts stops with spiritual awareness and certain peace and calmness take over your being. With spiritual awareness, the chains of mundane wants and needs are destroyed.
The final outcome
Spiritual enlightenment is without question the ultimate purpose of any of the spiritual activities that we pursue. When we are spiritually conscious, we learn to embrace the truth as it is and avoid engaging with what is going on around us. We stop being judgmental and begin to appreciate life in its truest form. Spiritual Enlightenment allows us to enjoy the fruits of our deeds, distracted by a lot of meaningless desires. Light is the only thing that is able to remove darkness, and with incredible knowledge, the light of spirituality brightens our lives. It erases all ignorance and gives us infinite joy. Spiritual awakening is a change in consciousness where we come into the non-dual essence of reality and attain perfect balance with the universe.
Spiritual enlightenment has no definite pathway. However, there are many ways to achieve it; meditation, fasting, or occult means. Although the methods are different, the goal doesn’t change and that is to find answers to the essential questions of life. This is the main reason why spirituality is embraced by many people, especially in today’s world of logic and rationality. When a person’s desire for spiritual enlightenment arises, all divine powers gather to support him.