When it comes to the twin flame symbol, it is safe to say that it has a very interesting story. It was Saint Germain that started it out with an illustration of two circles symbolizing the different forces that would later be identified as twin flames. He showed the sign of twin flame (the sign of infinity) and described it as the beginning of two souls unifying as one.
With the two circles uniting, they created the two halves of the eight, the symbol of infinity. This was very meaningful; two great forces, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine were coming together. These two souls would function together; whether they are in the physical or spiritual field, feeling the shifting forces inside the inner eye of the heart as they move across the symbol of infinity.

When the Two Energies Meet To Form the Twin Flame Symbol
When the two celestial energies meet in the center, they are easily visible as the Divine Masculine’s magnetized energies and the Divine Feminine’s radiant energies.
Once these two meet, energy is emitted which is not very different from flying sparks. Saint Germain described that when this happens, it’s like a signal; sent to other universe-wide souls and forces that have been waiting since the existence itself.
They are prepared to support each other when it’s needed the most. Saint Germain claimed that he would return to the symbol of infinity, as he later professed by describing the symbol of twin flame. Next Germain explained the importance of the triangle.
The Triangle of Twin Flame Symbol
The Divine Masculine is portrayed in the lower two sections, and the Divine Feminine at the other. The Twin Flames are still significantly in duality at this stage.
Twin flames work together to eliminate old habits and egotism. The fires would appear to become practically one and at the middle of the triangles base would become closer together. That is the moment the triangle enters into a considerably greater action.
This is a sign that the Twin flames have passed beyond duality; which essentially means that they work as one soul living in two bodies. In addition, it reflects the Father-Mother God aspect of the united Twin flames.

What Does the Twin Symbol Look Like?
The twin flame sign is interpreted by a circle and the infinity symbol in it below, the triangle above and the two flames are in the triangle.
It is a special symbol representing two souls that come together as one.